Teacups and Teapots
As I sat sipping tea during my quiet time the other day, I began to admire the beautiful cup in my hand. I continued to pray and enjoy the warmth of the moment, when the Holy Spirit asked me this question - "Are you a teacup or a teapot?" Hmmm, I'd have to think about that one! I began to list the qualities of each.
 Delicate, yet strong
 Offers relaxation and soothes the spirit
 Holds what is put into them with no outlet
 Delicate, yet strong
 Offers relaxation and soothes the spirit
 Pours out what is put into it
As I listed these things, one thing stood out clearly - a teacup holds on to what is put in to it, while a teapot pours out again.
The Lord is the one who fills our cup or pot each day. As we sit at His feet allowing Him to teach, rebuke, encourage and comfort us, we are being filled with His Spirit. What are we doing with all of that once we have it? Are we pouring it out on others each day, or are we holding it all in our little cup?
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5
As we can see from this verse, the purpose of God's Spirit at work in our lives is two fold - for our own comfort and so that we might comfort those around us who are in need.
While what is inside the teacup will not change the outside appearance, after a time of not pouring out, the tea inside the cup becomes cold and distasteful. So it is with us. If we are simply cups that hold blessing, we may remain beautiful on the outside but it will make what is on the inside displeasing to the Lord.
If we are operating our lives as teapots, the constant flow will keep us fresh and rejuvenated. As we continue to pour out to others, the Lord pours Himself in to us. Again, the purpose of this is to strengthen, comfort, encourage, edify, even convict both ourselves and those around us.
Have you ever gone through a time when you felt that your teapot was completely empty, like you had nothing left to pour out? Stop. Sit at the Master's feet. Meditate on His Word, savoring every morsel. Allow Him to fill your pot to overflowing. He will put into you more than you need to continue pouring out. "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength." Isaiah 30:15 We can not keep our pots filled on our own. Yes, we can fake it for awhile, but in order to truly be pouring out God's love and encouragement to others, it must come directly from the True Source.
There are so many beautiful "teapots" in God's Kingdom. Each one is unique in its own way. Each teapot is made up of different gifts and talents which the Lord placed so lovingly within us as He knit us together (Psalm 139:13). We need not look at others and wish we were more like them, for we are each created in the image of God. What does your "teapot" look like?
You might be saying to yourself, "God can't use me. I'm so chipped and broken. I can't even hold a little of what He gives me, much less pour anything out on anyone else." Have you ever broken something and glued it back together? What usually happens? Most of the time you can see the lines where the brokeness occurred, but because of the glue it is reinforced and strengthened. So it is with us. Those areas of your life that you feel chipped and broken can be lovingly pieced together by the Savior. Yes, you will still be able to see the brokeness, but out of that brokeness comes strength. As people see those places where the Lord has restored you, they will be able to identify with you and draw strength from your experiences.
Secondly, think again of that piece that has been repaired. If you hold it up to the light what happens? The light shines through the cracks. So it is with God's teapots. Through the piecing back together of our lives the Lord's light is able to shine through. He uses those broken lines as a testimony of His faithfulness in your life, not only to you, but to those around you.
We need to be teapots for the Lord, not just teacups. As we are filled by the power of the Holy Spirit we are able to pour out on those around us. Don't be afraid to be used by Him. He will take our cracks, chips and little pieces and so lovingly and tenderly put us back together. Then we can be the teapots he created us to be.
Steeped in His Word
Are you a teacup or a teapot? Are you taking time daily to sit at His feet and be filled? Are you looking for opportunities to pour His love, encouragement and strength out to those around you?
Stirred to Action
Commit to time with the Lord each day. Evaluate your schedule and see what needs to change in order to make this a priority. Find a friend to help hold you accountable for awhile until it becomes a habit. If you need some extra encouragement in this area, feel free to e-mail me so that I can pray for you. (Hint - you will be so blessed by this time every day that you will quickly come to look forward to it and won't want anything to keep you from it, not even sleep!)
copyright 2000 Angela Snodgrass